Concrete Manhole Grade Rings
have been the industry’s “gold standard” in concrete adjustment rings for more than 60 years. The rings are available in multiple diameters and thicknesses, allowing for precision leveling and quick installation. Manufactured using the latest technology and under tight quality control standards, the rings have the strength and durability to stand up to the harshest weather.
Our Rings:
allow for precision leveling and maximum strength.
are the best, most sought after concrete manhole grade rings in the region.
are at the heart of most manhole projects in Minnesota.
have performed admirably under our state's notoriously difficult weather conditions.
Eull’s Manufacturing ACI-certified employees perform daily testing to ensure that Eull’s sewer and water products meet or exceed the standards set forth by both the Minnesota and Wisconsin departments of transportation. Our plant’s quality control and quality assurance program is both MnDOT and WisDOT approved.
Download Approval-WisDOT (1.7 MB)
Eull's Manhole Shield
Manhole adjustment is an essential part of any municipal sewer and water project, and it can be difficult to achieve consistent results with the variety of products available to city engineers. Until now.
Redi-Rock Wall System
This isn’t your grandfather’s (or even our father’s) Oldsmobile! Durability and constant improvement has made precast concrete products better today than ever before.
Eull’s Vibra Press Roof Pavers
Just say no to wasted spaces! Eull’s Vibra Press Roof Pavers provide functional and attractive solutions, whether used as roof ballast or plaza decks.